Monday, August 31, 2009

Mom went on a bike ride yesterday and she did awesome! It was a hand bike though but those things are actually really cool; they have more comfortable seats. Mom was able to move her leg up like a march and she is getting more and more movement in her right leg and foot. Her wheelchair has new wheels, the are power wheels that help keep the momentum going as she pushes. The results; it makes it easier for her to go up hills and be a little lazy if she wants, but not too lazy cuz those things go crazy and start moving around like a possessed pair of wheels. I had to try them out and that's why I know so much about them. Hey I don't want my mom to get hurt, so I have to always play with her stuff. wink. Honestly this summer has been hard but a lot of fun. Who ever knew that a hospital would have stuff to do that would be memorable and something to do with mom. Bobby and I have been taking mom to the mall and the walmart on the public transportation. That has also been fun and gives us another reason to get out of the hospital for a while. Yes it is fun sometimes but sometimes its really really boring. Mom is doing good, just having fun and going along on the ride the Lord has planed for her.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

only a short time left till rehab is over

Mom had surgery on Tuesday; she had a super pubic catheter done. Basically she has a tube in her bladder instead of well you all know. She says she likes the super pubic better and it's more comfortable. She is now able to move her right leg left to right and is able to move her foot a little. Yesterday was a little hard for mom. She was concerned about how everything is going to be hard and how she cant do anything anymore, but hopefully today she is in better spirits. I want everyone to know that mom has no reason to worry, because she has beaten the odds. When she first got to Craig she couldn't breath on her own, she couldn't feed herself, and many other things. Basically she was going to be a quad and now she is going to be a para, for now at least. Only God knows the outcome and I have a great feeling it's going to be good.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Mom had a very productive day. She popped a wheelie in her wheelchair, is communicating better on her self speaking computer program, and many other things. Mom is going to get two pink wheelchairs, one manual and the other a power tilt chair. Her spasms are crazy and crack me up sometimes. She has such bad spasm sometimes she kicks like a donkey. More and more movement is coming in her arms, hands, fingers, a little in her lower part of her body, and she is getting better and better at doing things for herself.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

mom has moved

Mom has moved over to the east side of Criag. Her new room number is East 330 and her new phone number is 303-789-8830. When anyone calls mom ask for Rhonda Bates in room 330. Mom is still doing good and learning lots of new things. Thank you all for your support love you all!


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Having fun on the run

Today was a fun day! We all went trap shooting up in Bennett. Mom is doing great! She stood up in the stand up chair for 10 minutes, is getting better with her manual wheelchair, is learning how to use the Internet with a voice activated program, and is running away in her wheelchair from the nurses with the drugs.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A informative oppertunity about mom's progress

On August 12 at 1:00 Pm there is a conference about mom. Her therapists, nurses, Dr. Hsu, and her physiologist will speak about there thoughts on mom's progress and where she is headed. Here is the info: The conference line number is 866-230-2904 and the code number is 303-789-8430. other then that mom is doing great and is progressing on the manual wheelchair. Hope you all can call in and get more info then I could give. Believe me it's more info then most can handle. Thank you all! Love you!

Mercedes Bates

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The cute bug

Mom is still doing good. She is learning lots of new things and is getting stronger and stronger by the day. She made cookies today, is working hard on the manual wheelchair, and getting stronger not only physically but mentally. Life is not a sprint it's a marathon and along the way one achieves things never imaginable.