Thursday, June 25, 2009


When I said that we were not for sure if mom was going to Craig hospital on Monday or not; I was right. Today mom was taken to Craig. The day was very long but informative. She loves it at Craig, it's more comfy, and it's not like she is a specimen to the public eye. Here is her address at Craig. My moms blood count is low and the doctor wanted to get blood from the blood bank. Honestly there are way too many desises out there and we desided not to do that. We are going to get her blood, from yours truely, me. I am going to overcome one of my biggest fears needles and blood, all in one day. I don't know when that day is going to be but I know soon. Hey it's the least I can do. The woman gave birth to me, and we both have the same blood type. Mom is doing pretty good, she has some compilcations, but she has a great attitude abouth the whole thing.

Rhonda Bates room 308
3425 south Clarkson street
Englewood, CO 80113


  1. You can do it! You have demonostrated incredible strength through all of this. I know your mom is so thankful to have a daughter like you to make such a sacrifice for her. Good luck! Thank you for keeping us all updated.
    Tammy Gantt

  2. Sweet Mercedes...we all believe in you and your mom believes in you as well! You'll be just fine when you give your blood because it's for the best cause ever! I'm so glad your mom is more comfortable! Lots of love! Ashley Kent

  3. Thank you both! I never knew I was that strong but I try to deal with events the best way I can. I'm not for sure if I am going to give mom blood or not. It's because of time issues and we don't know if the insurance will cover it. I never knew that donating blood to some one could be so complicating. Love you all!
    Love Mercedes
